Das 14. Symposium und die Mitgliederversammlung des Alumni-Clubs der University of Wales in Deutschland gem. e. V. fand am 09. April 2011 in Dresden statt.


Article from Alumni Officer Helmuth Stahl, MBA (University of Wales)

At least once a year, we have a big event for all our members counting now more

than 200. This year it took place in Dresden on April, 9th and it’s called a

Symposium as it comprises during the day presentations and discussions of

business related issues by high profile/excellent speakers and in the evening a

social setting in unique spots/atmosphere.

The first presentation was given by Mr. Andreas Grünewald, head of the Münchener

Investment Club, on the topic of global developments in financial matters. He

emphasized throughout the growing importance of China for all future aspects.

The second topic dealt with the small number of female top executives in Germany

‘s largest companies. Mrs. Gabriele Stahl, Partner of Odgers Berndtson, had

undertaken a special study in interviewing those women who had made it to the

top, which received a lot of public attention as it is currently discussed whether

those big companies should not have a compulsory share of at least 1/3 of their

board being females. As the author herself presented her finding s, we had a lively

discussion. However, the board of our Alumni Club already meets this requirement

with a female share of 2/5 including a woman as chairman.

By the way, three years ago at our Symposium in Wiesbaden on October, 10th, it was

on the very weekend when the German government put its final touches to its

rescue package for the German banking system , we had among our speakers, Mr.

Ernst Welteke, the former president of the German Federal Bank. One could not

have wished for a more expert and competent speaker on the world-wide financial

crises at this point of time and it was fascinating how he explained the background

of this crisis as well as proposed solutions to overcome it.

The final topic at this year’s Symposium was “Bridging new shores” and described

the manned space discovery from the viewpoint of the astronauts with their human

needs living in a totally artificial environment. It was given by an engineer, whose

company specializes in ad hoc solutions for the European Space Agency.

The agenda of such a Symposium is supposed to be a highlight for all participants.

The day ended with another highlight, namely a get-together in the historical

Taschenbergpalais followed by a special dinner (as celebrated during the times of

Augustus the Strong) in the most famous Sophien-keller.

Another important event for all new graduates from Germany (after the official

Celebration Graduation at the Millenium Centre on Friday 6th May 2011) was a

welcoming party in the evening at Henry’s Bar & Cafe in the middle of Cardiff,

organized by the AllfinanzAcademy along with our Alumni Club.