Das 15. Symposium und die Mitgliederversammlung des Alumni-Clubs der University of Wales in Deutschland gem. e. V. hat am 27./28. April 2012 in Hamburg stattgefunden.


10th Anniversary of the German Alumni Club of the University of Wales

It was a perfect setting for our 10th anniversary, when we met at the spectacular Hotel & Restaurant “Süllberg” overlooking the river Elbe at the outskirts of Hamburg-Blankenese on the last weekend in April.

It took place in the form of a two day symposium to which our president, Dr. Martina Nieswandt, welcomed our members and guests and gave a lively overview of the development of our club since its foundation in August 2001. Over time our Alumni Club

has been growing to more than 220 members and provides a sound basis for networking opportunities of MBA graduates. With a variety of activities we try to keep us abreast of interesting developments.

The second presentation, given by Prof. Dr. G.F. Schade, covered the legal aspects of European commercial companies, whilst Dr. Roland Geschwill explained in his following topic the results and consequences of his study on the success factors of German expatriates in Eastern Europe.

The highlight of the evening was a festive dinner in the Seven Seas Restaurant crowned by Prof. Dr. Simon Jones with a speech on the latest developments and merger under the 1828 Royal Charter of the University of Wales along with the benefits of being a member of their world wide Alumni Association.

On the following day a sightseeing tour was organized thru Hamburg’s new “Hafen City” which is a tremendous urban development project somehow modeled after London’s Docklands.

Our members were enthusiastic about the whole event and will be looking forward to future inspiring activities.

Article from Alumni Officer Helmuth Stahl, MBA (University of Wales)